To help with our money counting skills, the children designed their own shops. Afterwards, we took it in turns to visit each others shops, buying items and using coins to pay with the correct amounts.
The children worked in groups of 2 to design and build a castle using the sugar cubes! This was lots of fun however it required the children to plan their designs carefully before the building process could begin. We all agreed that the sugar cubes worked well as bricks for our castle walls!
Our new topic in maths this week is fractions. The boys and girls used the play dough to cut shapes into halves. They also worked with a partner to make different pizzas using the toppings. This helped them to practise using the language of halves and wholes.
We have had the parachute out during our PE sessions this week. This has proved to be lots of fun! Ask your child about some of the games we have played and which has been their favourite.
Since coming back from the Christmas holidays, P2 have been focusing on Money as their Big Maths topic. The children have been learning to recognise and sort coins, make amounts and also add coin values together. Next week, we will be learning to give out change.